Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I received a fax from U.S. Rana who writes, “This time, I invite your attention to a parapet wall on the central verge, which is made of cement mix and is about one metre high and half a kilometre long. It separates two land marks: The Chankyapuri Police station and the Indonesian Embassy on one side and upcoming Police memorial and International Youth Centre on the other side. This central verge is of no earthly use; if anything, it is a major traffic hazard. Pedestrians cross it by simply jumping over it and risking their own lives if anyone of them is hit by the fast and heavy traffic on either side. This is not all. Cyclists, scooters and even sometimes four wheelers coming out from Police Station wanting to reach Teen Murti Roundabout, go directly towards it, meeting the traffic head-on. Similar is the situation on the other side too. Something should be done immediately regarding this. I suppose seriousness of it will come to light only when, god forbid, there is a serious accident.”

Even I have noticed people jumping that central verge. I think if the motive of putting such a high central verge was to stop pedestrians from crossing the road, then the parapet should have been made taller so as to refrain people from jumping it. Although I like the idea of having a raised parapet on the central verge, because during night the driver doesn’t get disturbed by the lights of the oncoming vehicles on the other carriageway. Sometimes at night the lights just blind you.

Regarding this problem of pedestrians jumping the parapet, the authorities should take it seriously and find a solution to it. Regarding the drivers driving on the wrong side, what can one do? Delhi drivers are just a crazy bunch. They just give traffic rules a damn.

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